Sunday, November 07, 2004

I went to visit my past today
It’s better than calling
You never answer anyways.

I took the train to your town
And walked down streets
I used to call “mine”

I stopped by and had some ribs
Across the street from the place I once met you
And half a year later, promised to marry you.

Walked by the street where you still live,
Where you still wake up every weekday
Too late for work.

I seem to have forgotten that day
Six years ago
When I packed up and left.

In my head I’m listing all
The little things I never said
And I wonder if things would have been different.

I wonder if your mother
Drives the new woman crazy
If she still thinks it’s up to her;

Where you live,
what car you have,
what kind of closet you have in your home,
what your girlfriend works with,
where she goes to school,
what she wears,
if you’re having kids,
where you work, what you eat for lunch,
where you eat your lunch,
what kind of curtains you have,
how you put up the wallpaper when you redecorate,
if your having pets,
when your doing the dishes,
if your girlfriend knows she had a liposuction,
what your dreams are...

I’m glad I can jump on that train
And return to the present.


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