Feeling Homesick...
As I grew a bit homesick, I decided to take a walk alongst the canal running from victoria park, by kingsland road where I live, to Islington and away. (god knows where.)
Its beautiful. If you have some time to spend in london on a sunny sunday afternoon, take the walk. I only had a shitty pocket camera, but better than nothing.

Just by the Wenlock Basin theres a little pub that serves Sunday Roast dinners and beer. Its named "the narrow boat" and well worth a visit.
As I sat there by the basin, sipping at my beer and feeding the duck with some bredcrums (sounds like something a crazy old fart would do, I know)an old lady started talking to me.
Her name was Carolyn, she was closing in on 80 and from Canada. And like all people she told me how things where better back in the good old days and complained about people with no bells on their bikes. But, besides from that, she was quite a nice lady. We talked about the people in islington ("all damn yuppies I tell you! I live by the Green, and its all yuppies!")to how it is growing old when the world keeps changing around you ("Growing old is nothing for sissies you know...")
Its not everyday you have an old lady asking you if you know the word sissy. By the time she said she had to go home to do the homework for her evningclass in greek, I had kinda grown fond of her. I was to embarresed to ask if I could take a photo of her though.
So cheers for people who dont know when to toss in the towel and claim to be "too old."
As I grew a bit homesick, I decided to take a walk alongst the canal running from victoria park, by kingsland road where I live, to Islington and away. (god knows where.)
Its beautiful. If you have some time to spend in london on a sunny sunday afternoon, take the walk. I only had a shitty pocket camera, but better than nothing.

Just by the Wenlock Basin theres a little pub that serves Sunday Roast dinners and beer. Its named "the narrow boat" and well worth a visit.
As I sat there by the basin, sipping at my beer and feeding the duck with some bredcrums (sounds like something a crazy old fart would do, I know)an old lady started talking to me.
Her name was Carolyn, she was closing in on 80 and from Canada. And like all people she told me how things where better back in the good old days and complained about people with no bells on their bikes. But, besides from that, she was quite a nice lady. We talked about the people in islington ("all damn yuppies I tell you! I live by the Green, and its all yuppies!")to how it is growing old when the world keeps changing around you ("Growing old is nothing for sissies you know...")
Its not everyday you have an old lady asking you if you know the word sissy. By the time she said she had to go home to do the homework for her evningclass in greek, I had kinda grown fond of her. I was to embarresed to ask if I could take a photo of her though.
So cheers for people who dont know when to toss in the towel and claim to be "too old."